Tuesday, June 10, 2014

2014.06.08 - one of those nights you hope to be etched in your memory, forever.

A concert I was super hyped up about, and what a concert indeed! It delivered on so many different levels, I don't even know which level to begin on. It has taken me two whole days to organise my thoughts and feelings into readable words and understandable expressions - basically :') has represented the lovely shell and happy little bubble I've been floating around in ever since Coach's magic dissipated around the concert hall and touched each and every person's heart. This magic, this power, this invisible force, was incredulous. He had everyone in the palm of his hands, every pair of eyes was glued, fixated onto his whole being, and I didn't dare to breathe for fear of breaking this magic.

I say again, I have never enjoyed a performance so much as that night's.

Let me rephrase.

I have never fallen in love with a performance quite like this one. Everything about it just pulled me towards its centre, a swirling vortex of the mysterious appeal that such beautiful music intrinsically contains deep within. I was mesmerised, transfixed, frozen in time and space, it felt as if the whole world had stopped and the only living thing was the music that flowed through timelessly. I can't even begin to describe it.

It may sound ridiculous, what I'm typing ... fantastical, otherworldly, fiction-like ... but it's true. This is how I feel.

And just as part of the audience, this experience was more than a magic carpet ride. For a long while I felt as if I could step into the shoes of the performers, the amazing CU Chorus, and share this priceless experience from their perspective.

I still remember back in high school, in Year 10, I had to produce a work of creative writing as part of my English Language coursework. And back then since music had taken up a dominating role in my school life, home life, and social life, I decided to embark on a creative musical literary journey (did that sequence of jargon even make any sense...)

In the end, the night before it was due, I named it "The Phenomenon".

In a nutshell, it was a short piece (less than two sides of A4, since there was a word limit) describing an orchestral concert, jumping back and forth between the perspectives of the performer and the listener - two roles which were essentially the same person (myself), and together the shared experience came together to create the entire picture outside the box, which was bigger than the sum of its parts.

Anyway. This experience of seemingly sharing the stage as part of CU Chorus was brought to life right before my eyes, it felt so ... possible ... and so personal, and I just let myself slip away from reality right then and right there, and let everything wash over me ...

Yeah. It hit me that hard. Hope no one ever reads this cos y'all will think I'm bonkers. I dont even know what I typed up there^. Just the bottom line:

I've never completely fallen in love with a performance ... until 2014.06.08.

Bravo, brava. Hats off to every single member of CU Chorus.

Thank you for sharing something so precious, something you hold so dearly to your hearts, something you absolutely poured your whole heart and soul and entire being into.

"That was it."


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