Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Peaches and Cherries

Peaches and cherries are my favourite fruits in the world. Gawsh. I just cant resist them. Even through these icky days when my body just refuses to take in any proper food. Havent had a proper meal for the past three days. Haven't had dinner for the past two days.

Mom keeps apologising, saying she's sorry she can't help with my study (she's been saying that ever since junior high...) ... it just breaks my heart. Her soft smile and unspoken support is already a huge confidence booster to me. Her presence next to me on the dining table every single night, her peculiar 喃喃自語, her random squeals of "aiya!", just being there - a human presence - whilst everyone else is hidden in their own rooms, and as I slave away to my notes on the other end of the dining table.

So, she says, I'll buy you food you like. And like a hyperactive kid out on a field trip, she hops down to the supermarket and scavenges all over the place, returning with three full bags of food we could never finish in a week.

To clear things up a little, I dont have nasty eating habits. I'm not a picky eater, I dont leave leftovers in my bowl (not even a grain of rice, unlike my messy brother -_-), and I dont pick things out that I don't like. I eat what I'm given and my mom has taken that as a sign that whatever she gives me, I enjoy eating that food. So she buys me all sorts of foods, but secretly my favourites are just peaches and cherries :') Don't tell her that please.

I've heard all moms do that, but when it's your mom, it's kinda that much extra sweeter. And it's why I enjoy staying home. Almost everyone else has asked me at least once - why do you go home so often? Why are you always at home during the weekends or holidays? When are you coming back to hall?

And that's another reason. Hall life is absolutely wonderful - without it I would be far worse off than I am right now. But every single day (particularly now that we've hit the deep end of summer) is jam-packed with all sorts of activities. The peer pressure gets too much sometimes, even though I know I don't have to conform. And, I don't want news to spread out to the whole hall that I have to take the supplementary exam. I've only told six people in the whole hall I think - Anthony and Jackie (classmates), Yeungwing & Ode & Bobo & Seung (who told Rita, but it's okay). It's great having the extra support, but I just wanna keep it closed. As I've always said, it's my own damn problem and i'll damn right get it fixed myself. It's a lesson I have to learn the hard way - unfortunate but necessary.

But anyway. Peaches and cherries. I've never bought them myself when I go shopping for my own cooking at hall. They're quite expensive to be on my budget shopping list (don't even try to guess how much money I spend on food when I'm at hall lol), so I usually just grab a bunch of bananas or a few apples as my fruit of the day (or fruit of the week, as I only pop in the supermarket once a week or less.

So, it's wonderful to be back at home for the summer. I really feel like I missed out on a lot during term time - my brother's spending more time at home, my sister's having lots of precious alone time with my parents without me in the way (you're welcome Diane!), and in general as I can feel myself transforming over these two short years (so far), I feel I have a need to portray this transformation to my parents, so that they can witness my growth and maturation too. They will always be part of my journey :')

So had my first supplementary paper today - Minicases. The most dreaded, the beast, the monster - I could use a hundred adjectives to describe its monstrosity, how petrifying it is, it sends shivers down my spine just picturing it in my mind. But I got through it alive. It wasn't my best attempt, but I really hope I have enough in the bag to hit a pass mark. (Touch wood).

Second and my final supplementary paper is on Friday before I fly out to Taipei for TICF. It's MCQ and EMQ, surprisingly a weakness of mine, since SAQ is deemed to be the harder paper, which I passed (barely, but still, ultimately, a pass).

I must take his personal space to thank everyone who has boosted me and egged me on when I felt like the whole world was gonna come crushing down on me. If anyone ever comes across this, you guys really inspired me to take my wings and continue soaring upwards once again. The skies are opening up~

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