Saturday, May 24, 2014

Motivational Minute #24 - Courage

My hero, Nick Vujicic.

He's been to Hong Kong a couple times now, and on one of those times I actually went to see him, with my whole family, of course. He is one of the most amazing men I have met in my life. God has really used him so much it's just incredible how much I love Nick. I even wrote my Philosophy coursework term paper using his music video, "Something More".

And tonight. After a terrible night of turmoil last night, just trying to slap myself awake from my depression, I opened up YouTube ... and Nick popped up right to my eyes.

 "You don't need courage to win, you need courage to fail."
"You're not afraid of winning, you're afraid of failing".

"Fear doesn't go anyway, you can't suppress it ... "just have a positive attitude, don't worry about-" - NO. the fear is there, acknowledge the fear. But courage is the strength that overrides all the fear to give you the strength to - JUST. TRY. ANYWAY."

"Yeah it's hard, but ... it's okay. It's a journey of ups and downs. If you wanna live a life without limits, you need courage to try, when you're afraid".

Courage. Is this what I'm lacking? Courage and confidence?

My head is messing with me so damn much. No, ofc not, I have courage and confidence to face my exams. But outwardly, no one can see it. Cos the things I do and the words I say to others ... create the whole impression that I'm a loser who can't face my own problems and can't find help to solve my own problems.

But ofc that's not true. I just don't like sharing my problems with others. I don't like seeking help cos I know I gotta fix my own damn problems by myself. But sometimes these worries are just too big and they just get the better of me, and I don't know how to patch 'em back right. That's when I explode and even without directly telling others ... they can see it.

So who am I, really?
Just a kid. A vulnerable lonely kid who doesn't deserve other people's care and concern. :(

Maybe I've stepped too far out of my comfort zone, too soon. And I just need to stick with what I know, the basics, get those done first, before I can brave greater heights.

I just need to have courage to fail. And once I look past that, it's gonna give me a whole new perspective on the Hell I'm going through right now. Cos it's nowhere near Hell. I have no clue, my conditions are so good compared to some others. I'm such an idiot.

Get back up. Stand tall on your feet, you know you aint gonna let nothin knock you down and make you stay down. I'm the only barrier to finding my true self, finding my own feet.



Thanks Nick!

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