Wednesday, April 9, 2014

RC Choir 2013-14 #3

10.04.2014 0220
After choir rehearsal.

Currently listening to: Pictures at an Exhibition (Stokowski orch.)
Already in my youtube searchbar: Abbado with Lucerne Festival Orchestra

(writing this down so i dont forget and so i have a reference for future encounters...)

Wow. the Stokowski orchestration ... I can't say I dislike it, but ofc I still much prefer Ravel's orchestration. It is strange in some senses, but wow in some places it really strikes my heart right "there".

... okay wow I just had a few mins taste of Abbado with the Lucerne Festival Orchestra. Mahler 1. Just the beginning, not so much action yet. But dude I have goosebumps already, came out from nowhere, and an instant connection of this ethereal entity. I can see everything through Maestro Abbado's hands. Such magic. Such a flow. And his smile :) "a smile that could melt glaciers" ... haha what a fitting metaphor!


So late night free blogging again. A lot on my mind, don't really wanna go there. Better to neglect the thoughts that are tied up. Crush it. Suppress it. Negativity. Get out, you don't belong there. lol trust me I'm not a mad psychopath. Just hate it when it creeps in and silently attacks you. I feel that everyone must have felt this way at some point or another. More than once definitely. But this is happening to me on such a regular pressure especially when I let the stress get to me. Stress is not necessarily a bad thing, I watched a TEDTalk last night on how stress actually helps you find meaning in your life. And that's a good thing. But it does get crazy frustrating when it all accumulates and punches you in the face in one go. Multiple goes, in fact. Tis not a boxing fight.

Again thought of another Bible verse I stumbled upon during the previous Joint Class Medic Fellowship with CUHK medic guys too.
There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens. - Ecclesiastes 3:1

so is it exam season right now?
can they overlap?
can music season span the whole year and never end?

back in high school. i always treated music as a hobby. my top passion, outside of academics. Along with basketball.

My basketball coach said, if you're gonna get your head in the game, and gonna stick with it, then be sure to make basketball your top priority. after academics, of course.

So what now? Music has become my top priority. On top of academics, in fact. But it is no longer a hobby or a passion. But my life. In essence, life would be nothing without music, ofc. Music has so many diverse forms. Not just notes and scores. Not just melodies and harmonies. Rhythms and beats of everyday life. Pitched and non-pitched alike. How many times have you tried to mimic a funny doorbell jig? Don't lie. There used be one at Honeymoon Dessert (dunno if they still have it anymore, was a few years ago, the one in Shatin on the second top floor opposite the Starlight Garden, next to the CD Records store).

My memory is so bad I can't even recollect what the actual tune was, but I remember it only because I was with a few YSO friends (the same ones from high school), another cellist and three violinists, and we were arguing about a Eb being slightly out of tune hahahah! The violinists couldn't hear a difference, but my fellow cellist and I were insistent about it being flat. It was very very very uncomfortable to our ears (not to the extent of making us leave the place, but cos it kept repeating ... it did kind of kick us in the stomach every time it played lol).

Anyway ... the point being. Music is everywhere. Silence is music too. Silence is my greatest comfort.

Again welcome to the world of an introvert.

Want to write so much more but study beckons.


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